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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Letter to the Editor -Voting yes on Measure C may mean the difference between life and death.

  Please don’t confuse Measure C with the newly imposed fire protection tax that we have all received they are not the same thing.  If Measure C does not pass then it will mean that we may lose some of the life saving resources that we now have.  Delaying responders to accidents, fires and other life threatening situations when we live where we do can mean loss of life, without the rapid response from our firefighters and paramedics Bob would not have had a chance.  It was a bad, bad accident and it took them a long time to get him out of the wreckage then up to where they could fly him to the hospital.  If he had to wait in that wreckage for help from Angels Camp or Sonora he would have been gone before they got there. Please make sure that you read and understand what each measure, proposition and candidate is about, go and vote on Election Day, please vote yes on Measure C and help it pass.  I thank you and most of all Bob is here to thank you too.

Cindi Bent