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Friday, October 12, 2012

State Controller releases lottery fund stats - Calaveras County Schools receives $998,215.29

According to the State Controller Calaveras County received $998,215.29 for the 11/12 fiscal year from state lottery funds. Payments to K-12 schools and community colleges are made to county treasurers, who then distribute the money to school districts.

In 1984 California voters passed Proposition 37 – California State Lottery Act – to benefit public education with the requirement that 34 percent of the total lottery revenues be allocated to local educational agencies. With this passing each school district was to create a separate account for receipt and expenditure of these funds. At its inception Prop 37 funds were unrestricted with the exception that no amount of the funds could be spent on acquisition of real property, construction of facilities, financing of research or any other non-instructional purpose.

This lead to Proposition 20 in 2000 – which passed – mandating that ‘50 percent of the increase in lottery funds for education over the 1997–98 fiscal year amount must be allocated to school districts and community colleges for the purchase of instructional materials.’ 

According to Claudia Davis of CCOE, “Because the use of these funds is more restrictive, Proposition 20 funds are tracked separately from Proposition 37 general purpose lottery funds.”

According to the Calaveras County Office of Education the breakdown of the $998,215.29 is as follows per district:
Prop 20 fund distribution:
Mark Twain  $25,032.88
Bret Harte $25,024.57
Calaveras $105,050.75
Vallecito $20,302.88
Calaveras County Office of Education $15,172.65
Mountain Oaks $11,922.74

Non-Prop 20 fund distribution:
Mark Twain 99,588.84
Bret Harte 98,256.72
Calaveras 413,421.29
Vallecito 77,333.82

Calaveras County Office of Education 60,736.35
Mountain Oaks 46,371.80

Non- prop 20 - $795,708.82
Prop 20 - $202,506.47
= $998,215.29

Charity Maness