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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Letter to the Editor - Why Debbie Ponte will Lose, and by extension Calaveras County.

We need a savior, or if you prefer, a hero.
I was hoping Ms. Ponte would be that hero.

I do not know Ms Ponte or Mr. Tryon personally and have no "axe to grind" with either one.
Like most of you my thoughts and opinion are based on what I see, hear and read and what I have seen and read of late saddens me greatly.

For instance, the copper gazette reported that both supervisor candidates had been emailed questions and given a deadline to respond. Ms. Ponte missed the deadline? Because she was on vacation?? and had little or no access to the internet???
Is the candidate disinterested in her campaign or are we in Copperopolis that insignificant?

Now if I were running for supervisor and had 30days or so till election day, coming down the home stretch so to speak, it would be in my best interest to be fully involved and engaged in MY OWN campaign, or if you can stand another cliche, "all in."

Not long after the Copper Gazette article I am reading the Enterprise and I come across candidate filings. If you were unaware, under the fair political practices act or freedom of information act or some state rule that sounds equally important, candidates must report finances, contributions, expenses, etc. 

Tom Tryon reported whatever he reported as of October 1st.Ms. Ponte? You guessed it, failed to report and as of her last report in July or September shows very little money in the coffers and that is why she will lose.

Money is the life blood of a campaign and all politics is local. 

Without money you can not get your message out what ever your message;
 and in Ms. Ponte's case I'm not sure if she has a message or that she wants to get that message out.

With all due respect to Ms. Ponte, I live in Copperopolis, ie. "under a rock".
Laugh people, It's meant as a joke and I live here so I can make fun and I am giving the candidates the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe I just missed the entire dog and pony show.

That said, do I hear or read Her railing against the status quo and the 12 term incumbent.(sic)
Does she bring her opponent's record to the fore and perform and autopsy? Not.
Why not try something new and run an uplifting campaign based on hope and change...wait, sorry,
that's been done...Ms. Ponte, ...not a peep.

And Tom Tryon I read, with victory practically assured, voted in a closed door session for a $19,000
pay raise for the planning director. Putting the "backroom deal", closed-door, (read secret), session asidefor a moment; in this economic environment, 30 something days from election day, who gets and more tothe point, who GIVES a NINETEEN THOUSAND DOLLAR ($19,000) Increase to anyone?...Who does that!

Your/Our Calaveras Board of Supervisors

Vision, courage, Integrity ?
0 for 3.

We need a hero.

Based on everything I have seen, heard and read,
neither Debbie Ponte nor Tom Tryon will be that
hero, much less the savior of Calaveras County. 

Debbie Ponte loses, Calaveras County loses and
Copperopolis loses.

fabien H