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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gov signs Bill ensuring free public education

AB 1575 defines a student fee as any charge or deposit that students and their families have to pay “as a condition for registering for school or classes, or as a condition for participation in a class or an extracurricular activity, regardless of whether the class or activity is elective or compulsory, or is for credit.” However, it does allow schools to ask for voluntary contributions.

According to Calaveras County Superintendent Kathy Northington  "AB1575 addresses fees being charged for classes like the cosmetology class or a lab fee for a biology class.... It will reduce some costs to parents, but it will also increase the cost for schools and districts since students who paid for special classes or opportunities, like sports in the past, the school will have to cover." In addition Northington feels the bill is "open for interpretation and the schools are trying to sort it out."

According to Bret Harte Principal/Superintendent Michale Chimente, Bret Harte has been pro-active and has anticipated the eventual signing of the bill complying with the outline of the bill for the last two years. "We have moved away from anything that would seem as if children are being charged." There are some instances where a child may be involved in wood shop and the product they are working on is for their own personal use then the child will pay for some supplies. Students who need extra computer time to adhere to some classroom rules of emailing assignments to their teachers are allowed after school use of the computer room and if transported via bus in the am may take late bus in the afternoon. Any child that is normally transported via bus "may take the late bus home from any school sanctioned activity." 

Internet usage was not mentioned in the bill, yet many schools and teachers require homework turned in via email. Whether the state/school district is required to provide internet access/computers when homework via email is mandatory has yet to be addressed. Chimente felt that teachers that are aware of issues stemming form lack of access to computers make allowances for those children and allow homework turned in through another venue. Use of computers at Bret Harte is available before, during and after school. While Northington also added that local public libraries have internet access for those children.

By, C. Maness