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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Citizens for a Better Calaveras Hold Candidates Night

Citizens for a Better Calaveras Hold Candidates Night
Thurs, Oct 25, 6:30-8:00 pm, BOS Chambers, San Andreas

The Citizens for a Better Calaveras (CBC) is a group of service providers working together to help ensure the continuation of services provided to the community by redefining the distribution of the Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT.)  

The CBC consists of the Calaveras County Fair, Calaveras County Arts Council, Calaveras Humane Society, Calaveras Visitors Bureau, Senior Centers of Calaveras, Friends of the Calaveras Library, and Calaveras County Parks and Recreation Commission. 

Sponsored by the CBC, a candidate’s forum will be held on Thursday, Oct 25, 2012 in the Board of Supervisor Chambers at the Government Center in San Andreas. The focus will be community services within Calaveras County. The forum will begin at 6:30 pm, includes brief overviews and one candidate question from each partner, background, issues and goals of the CBC, and a summary of the draft TOT ballot initiative followed by a response from each candidate. The forum will close at 8 pm.
Please attend the forum and let the supervisorial candidates know how important these community organizations are; that the services they provide, services once provided by government, are vital to our quality of life. 
For more information on Citizens for a Better Calaveras visit www.bettercalaveras.org.