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Monday, September 10, 2012

Peaceful Weekend for Sheriff Dept in Copper

According to the daily logs posted on the Calaveras County Website, the activity in Copperopolis was near to non-existent over the weekend with a few officer initiated activities including a traffic stop and a suspicious person.
The event at Lake Tulloch Resort was peaceful.
To access weekend log CLICK HERE

Update 9-13-12
According to the Calaveras Sheriff Dept PIO two patrol boats were on Lake Tulloch both Saturday and Sunday 9-8 and 9-9 the "weekend was very quiet."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the Copper Gazette as I find it to be informative as well as great pictures. I was happy to hear the Hells Angels event was without too many problems. I am more comfortable with them in town than the "Bump" events. The angels seem to be more mature not as likely to take as many risks as the younger crowd who attend the Bump. Brenda Hicks
