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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Lake Tulloch Quilt Raffle

This quilt is the raffle quilt for the Lake Tulloch Quilters guild . We are a small local guild. We meet at Black Creek Hall on the first and third Tuesday of the month. 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 P.M. 
Come join us if you like to do any kind of stitchery or would like to learn to piece and quilt! We use the funds we raise for many things locally , including the beautiful quilt that is hanging in the Armory in Honor of Copperopolis' sesquicentennial celebration, donations to the local school , etc.
If you see this man out and about he can get the tickets to you! $1.oo for one or get 6 for $5.oo. 

"Sorry Ladies, he says he is not part of the raffle!!" Says Carolyn

To purchase tickets you may call Linda Kemper 785-3021.

Over the years the Lake Tulloch Quilters have raised funds through quilt raffles to support:
The Angel Tree
Women's Crisis Center
Copperopolis Food Pantry
Science Camp
Copperopolis Elementary School
Copperopolis Branch Library

They have also made donation quilts  for:
Lions Club
Copperopolis VFW formation
Christmas Basket
Copperopolis Volunteer Firefighters
Copper Parks & Rec