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Friday, September 14, 2012

Calaveras Taxpayers Annual BBQ

Calaveras Taxpayers Host 5th Annual BBQ
 Moaning Caverns Resort, Vallecito

Wednesday, September 19th, 5 to 8 PM.
Food will be catered by the Historic Murphys Hotel, featuring delicious BBQ Tri-Tip

Speaking:  David Wolfe, Legislative Director
Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

David Wolfe has worked for five years with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association. In this capacity, he monitors the Legislature closely, writing position letters and testifying on hundreds of bills. Dozens of these would have severely undercut Propositions 13 and 218, the main priorities of the Association. His other responsibilities include putting together an annual Report Card for all 120 legislators, and contributing to the HJTA quarterly publication "Taxing Times." He has also worked on a variety of initiative campaigns to defeat unreasonable taxation and advocate for property rights. He will be providing information on protesting the Fire Tax. Prior to joining HJTA, Wolfe spent a year in the State Capitol. He graduated from Sonoma State University in 2005 with a B.A. in History and a minor in Political Science.

Paul Zeek Chief of Staff for Assemblymember Kristin Olsen will be giving an update on the Fire Tax.

Speaking:  Mark Meckler, Co-Founder, Tea Party Patriots

Mark Meckler, since the organization’s founding, has shared the role of national coordinator with co-founder Jenny Beth Martin. Tea Party Patriots is an American political organization that promotes "fiscally responsible" activism as part of the Tea Party movement. Its mission is "to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets." The group is a strong opponent of excessive government spending and debt. Although Mark has resigned his position due to differences of opinion on policy, he and Jenny Beth Martin wrote the book “Tea Party Patriots: the Second American Revolution.” Mark continues to work for the cause with many TV appearances and travel around the country.  

Speaking:  Rebecca Callen, Calaveras County Auditor - Controller

Rebecca was elected in December 2010 and previously was a business annalist managing our County's financial and administration system since December 2006. She attended California State University-Chico where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Strategic Management. Rebecca will give a report on current County finances and answer questions from the attendees.

Tonja Dausend, CCTA Director, will introduce her book “Undermining Freedom in Calaveras County plus entertain the gathering with her cello, accompanied by Jay Grimstead, famous local musician and patriot.                               
There will be a happy fund raising raffle with great prizes!

Seating is limited. $25 in Advance, or $30 at the door. On-line reservations are available until September 17, 2012 at the CCTA website: CalaverasTaxpayers.org. Or, call Al Segalla at 785-1491.