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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ramsey Fire Update - 1250 acres 10% contained

8-14-12 10:00pm

The Ramsey Fire stated on Saturday August 11, 2012 from an escaped campfire near the North Fork of the Stanislaus River. Fire crews have been fighting this fire from the air and with firefighters on the ground. Over the past few days the fire has slowly grown to over 1200 acres.
Fire crews have made progress with fire line construction along the bottom of the Stanislaus River and hope to keep it from moving to the South side of the River. Extreme heat and winds continue to move fire slowly to the east. Several helicopter and air tankers continued supporting fire crews working on line construction today. The fire has burned along the south side of State Highway 4 and occasionally spotted along the north side of the Highway. Fire crews have been able to extinguish those spot fires on the north side.
People traveling on Highway 4 should expect extended delays and partial closures due the fire crews, fire and heavy smoke across the road.
South Central Sierra Interagency Incident Management Team assumed command of the Ramsey Fire this evening at 6 PM. An Incident Base Camp will be established at Bear Valley Ski Area. A temporary fire information line has been established about the Ramsey Fire at 209-988-8311. Please leave a message and a fire information officer will return your call.

Current Situation

Total Personnel383
Size1,250 acres
Percent Contained10%
Fuels InvolvedMixed conifer, duff and understory
Fire BehaviorThe fire is crawling through ground in rocky areas and is not generally moving through the crown of trees.