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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Public Health issues heat warning and prevention of heat related illnesses

Continued Extreme Heat Prompts
Advice from Public Health Department

Extreme heat is expected to remain in Calaveras County throughout this week. Heat related deaths and illness are preventable but every year people die from heat. The Calaveras County Public Health Department wants everyone to take care to prevent heat illness.  “Take the heat seriously and stay cool, hydrated and informed “advised Dr. Dean Kelaita, County Health Officer.

 Those at highest risk of heat illness are the elderly, persons who work or exercise outdoors, infants and children, homeless persons and people with chronic medical conditions. The Public Health Department encourages the public to learn the signs and first aid response for heat – related illness. Warning signs and symptoms include:

Heat Exhaustion Symptoms

What to Do
·         Heavy Sweating                                 
·         Weakness                                           
·         Skin cold, pale & clammy                 
·         Weak pulse                                         
·         Fainting, vomiting
·         Move to cooler location
·         Lie person down, loosen clothing
·         Use cool, wet cloths on body or a
          bath to lower temperature
·         Sip water if you vomit and if it continues, get medical care

Heat Stroke Symptoms
What to Do
·         High body temperature [above 103 F]
·         Hot, red, dry or moist skin     
·         Rapid & strong pulse
·         Possible unconsciousness
·         Move person to cooler area
·         Lower person’s temperature with cool
          cloths or bath
·         Do NOT give any fluids

“Extremely high temperatures can affect your health and the health of your family and pets,” Dr. Kelaita warned. “Even young and healthy people can get sick if they participate in strenuous activities,” Kelaita added.  The Public Health Department issued the following advice on how to prevent heat illness:

Stay Cool
·         Stay in air-conditioned buildings
·  A fan alone is not enough to cool your home during extreme temperatures
·         Limit outdoor activity, especially during the hottest part of the day
·         Avoid direct sunlight
·         Wear loose, lightweight light-colored clothing
·         Take cool but not cold showers to lower your body temperature
·         Check on at-risk friends, family and neighbors at least twice a day
·         Never leave infants, children, pets or the elderly in a car or truck – even a few minutes is too long

Stay Hydrated
·         Drink more fluids than usual even if you are not exercising
§  Don’t wait until you are thirsty before you drink
§  If your doctor usually limits the amount you drink or you are on water pills,
      call to ask how much you need to drink during the extreme heat.
·         Drink 2 – 4 cups of water every hour if you are working or exercising outside
·         Avoid alcohol or liquids with sugar
·         Check to be sure your family, friends and neighbors are drinking enough water
·         Make sure pets have water available

Stay Informed
·         Check local news for extreme heat warnings and safety tips
·         Visit www.calaveraspublichealth.com for tips to prevent heat illness
·         Keep your family, friends and neighbors aware of weather and heat safety

For more information call the Public Health Department at 209-754-6460.