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Friday, August 10, 2012

"Does the Constitution Still Matter" class


Time magazine asked this question on its Fourth of July cover.
The argument followed: 
“Times have changed and the restraints of the Constitution are outmoded.”
Many Americans, including ex-servicemen, would ardently disagree with that argument.

Americans from various political parties, Veterans and non-veterans,
have formed a committee to study the Constitution of United States in order to support it as the Law of the Land.
We are presenting a six-session seminar, which will show not only how and why the Constitution was formed, but also show those purposeful acts,
 the end point of which is to dismantle our country’s
form of government and replace it with a one-world oligarchy.

We will meet at 12:30 each Saturday, starting August 11th
And going through September 15th at the

                                  Air Conditioned Upper Floor

                           9 North Washington Street, Sonora

Sessions about 2 hours plus snack break
We will cover what WE can do to protect our Constitutional freedoms.

A $10 donation is requested, covering all 6 sessions, to cover material cost.
To enable us to properly distribute text and materials, we are issuing tickets with coupons

Get tickets from Max Kernaghan 559-9751 or 532-8838,or maxwellk@mlode.com
Or from one of our friends who are helping me get them out.  Or just show up !
If you miss the first session>>> come for the second and others.
For those who cannot make the Saturday sessions we are also planning to present this same material on Wednesday nights at 7 PM beginning Aug 22. (Location to be announced.)
Learn the formula that made America the beacon for freedom and prosperity for over 235 years,