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Friday, August 3, 2012

Assessor Releases updated tax roles

With the economy still in what some term 'recovery' the assessor's office requested that all special districts and county agencies prepare their 12/13 fiscal preliminary budget projecting a 10% cut.
Recent tax role numbers released from the assessor's office show that the estimated 10% decline is actually at 4.37%.

While this means a small windfall of unexpected revenue for the county it is left to be determined just how these funds will be spent, or 'if' they will be spent. Some Supervisor's favor saving the funds for a rainy day, whereas others would like to see programs and positions that were recently cut reinstated.

CFPD who recently slashed their budget by 7% in anticipation of another year of budget cuts will see a bit of an ease up on the purse strings with the new tax role figures.  It has yet to be determined when this new figure will impact CFPD.