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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Letter to the Editor

"It seems funding for our sheriff department is way below the per population amount of neighboring counties. This apparently has resulted in increased crime with the losses of victims paying the price for the delayed response time caused by the underfunding.

At what point does lack of wisdom on the part of our elected leaders morph into being accessories after the fact? 

Sometimes we forget that the nature of government is force and the only justification of that force is the protection of the people’s natural rights to life, liberty and property. These rights are also protected by our constitution. The same constitution our elected representatives have sworn to protect.

The issue is not funding for the drug wars or pursuit of other victimless crimes, but for protection of the life, liberty and property of the people. 

This is a no brainer for me. Protection of our fundamental rights is the highest priority of any government and to fail to do so tend to remove its justification for existence.

Among our natural rights is the right to defend ourselves. If this underfunding of law enforcement continues, it could become very dangerous for burglars to raid homes in Calaveras County - especially when the people become armed.

Thank God we have the second amendment."

Al Segalla

1 comment:

  1. You have my complete sympathy and support. In fact much of what you said is why I got involved at this point
    this year to begin with. Do let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    Tim FItzgerald
