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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Letter to the Editor

June 6, 2012

Dear Editor,

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) proposal has serious flaws which would be harmful to our local economy.

While the leadership and staff of Central Sierra Economic Development District (CSCEDD) are fine people and have done good work, the problems with the CEDS are systemic and are imposed by the federal government. Some of the issues are:

By promising tax money for projects, it encourages dependence of federal funding and expands federal government influence in the affairs of Calaveras and other Counties. This disrupts a more responsible approach to project funding, whereby the users pay.

This project contributes to a huge expansion of federal influence in our area which has been detrimental to our economy and the rights of our citizens.

These CEDS plans are duplicated all over the country and promoted by the federal EDA in conjunction with expanding grant funding. Money the government does not have.

There is no provision for reducing unnecessary regulation, taxes or protecting property rights - all of which seem to be so needed for a return to prosperity.

We recommend substantial revision to this document to make it property rights friendly and economically sound.

If this is not possible, Calaveras County should withdraw from CSCEDD.

Albert J. Segalla