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Monday, June 11, 2012

Copperopolis Community Plan Advisory Committee 6-4-12 re-cap

At the 5-7-12 Copperopolis Community advisory committee meeting a motion was made and seconded to have the planning department/county draw two separate boundary maps, one including the commercial property on the North side of highway 4 and the second to include the property on the east side of O'Byrnes Ferry Road. A unanimous vote was then taken and the county was instructed to provide such maps at the June 2012 meeting.

At the June 4, 2012 CCPAC meeting the Planning Director, citing the need to be frugal, produced the same boundary map that had been shown at the 5-7-12 meeting using a laser pointer to highlight the previously requested areas. After some strong recommendations from county staff that the committee not include the commercially zoned property on the North side of highway 4, stating that costly studies for overpasses, underpasses, frontage roads, and more would have to be completed if the property were to be included within the boundaries, the committee then voted not to include the commercial area but once again made a motion and voted unanimously that the county provide a drawn boundary map to include the east side of O'Byrnes where topographically allowable, from IGA to Hwy 4.

Boundary map submitted at the 5-12 and 6-12 CCPAC meetings.
The blue line is the suggested boundary line submitted by the planning dept.

(Minutes of the remainder of the meeting will be posted as soon as they are made available to the public.

While many of the counties committees prepare their own agendas, the agenda for the CCPAC is prepared by Rebecca Willis, Planning Director for Calaveras County. According to Willis the reasoning behind this reaches back to the 2-28-12 BOS meeting where the Planning Director and Public Works informed the BOS that "the land use and circulation components in the draft community plans prepared for Copperopolis are not internally consistent." And that "they cannot be incorporated in the General Plan in their current condition."

This generated a the establishment of the CCPAC. The role of the committee as stated in the agenda submittal 2-28-12 is:

According to Willis, there are currently 10 communities that have organized to prepare community plans to be included in the General Plan update, yet Copperopolis is the only Board appointed community plan advisory committee that meets regularly.