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Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Copper Author to sign latest release at Angels Camp Mercantile

Copperopolis resident and make believe detective Steven Gomez will be at Angel Camp Mercantile on Sunday,  June 17th from 1-3PM reading from his new book, Taco Noir, Tales of Culinary Crime. Steve Gomez will have a mixed-media reading, signing copies of his book, and hosting a question-and-answer session. 
 Walk the mean streets of a nameless city alongside a no-name detective as he matches wits with the likes of the notorious Sweet Jesse Vasquez, the lovely and dangerous Maria Del Toro, and Jimmy Two-Fingers, a second story man with a heart of gold. Go head-to-head with the best and worst the Federal Bureau of Investigation has to offer. Thrill to the cases of The Undercover Mulligan, The Hard-Boiled Monte Cristo, and the Absent Artifact. And of course, learn the secret to delicious Tacos de Pollo.