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Friday, June 22, 2012

Combat Veteran Motorcycle run through Copper

The Combat Veteran Motorcycle Association (CVMA),a non-profit Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby, will be stopping by the Sports Pub on Sunday at approximately noon for a bite to eat and to show their support for Copperopolis's newly formed VFW Post 12118. 

The CVMA mission is 'to support and defend those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to help veteran care facilities provide a warm meal, clothing, shelter, and guidance, or simply to say "Thank You." and "Welcome Home."'

Comprised of Full Members ( those with verified combat service ) and Supporter Members ( those who have non-combat military service, and have a sincere dedication to helping veterans ) CVMA boasts members from most all 50 states and some living abroad. The love of motorcycles and country leads them down many paths all with the purpose of raising awareness for veteran's needs and helping support local veteran organizations by participating in motorcycle related charity events.