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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Christian Youth Group seeking donations for summer camp

The Edge which is the Copper Canyon Youth Group, is going to summer camp at Hume Lake Christian Camp in Hume,CA.

The camp is for 7th- 12th graders and will go from June 10th through 17th.  The cost is 470$ per child. They have done many fundraisers throughout the year including a CPR class and bake sales, but still have quite a bit to raise. We have 15 students from Bret Harte that will be going.

If you would like to help our Copper Christian Youth attend summer camp donations can be made to CCBC (Copper Canyon Baptist Church). They can contact Pastor Sean at 785-9295 or Shawn or Tasha Westberg ( youth leaders) at 324-5148 or  email to pastor@coppercanyonchurch.org.