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Friday, May 11, 2012

Youth recreational swim team sign-ups 5-12-12

A.M.A. Dorados
Youth Recreational Swim Team

The A.M.A. Boosters will be having their first Summer Recreation Swim Program at the Bret Harte Aquatic Center for kids who already know how to swim, but would like to participate in recreational meets with other kids from San Andreas, Ione, and Lodi.
June 11th through July 28th

Ages 6-17 years old are welcome; swimmers must be able to swim free style 25 yards across the pool unassisted. 
Cost is $55 per swimmer
Registration is May 5th and May 12th at the Bret Harte Aquatic Center or you may visit amayouthsports.com to download registration forms and mail to:  A.M.A. Boosters Club, Attn: Jessica Johnson, PO Box 664 Altaville, CA  95221   
Final practice times will be announced as we finalize our coaches schedules, but times will start at 8:30 am going to 11:00 am in ½ hour or 55 minute increments,  dependent on the age of the swimmer. 

ñ Go to amayouthsports.com for more information or contact at Jessica Johnson 728-8219 or djng2000@yahoo.com.