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Friday, May 18, 2012

UN Agenda Questions answered by Supervisor Candidatess

Dear Editor,
   Below is the question from CCTA asked of all supervisor candidates with their responses. A big thank you goes to the candidates who did respond, which are Bryce Randall, Joe Kelly and Tom Tryon.
   Candidates not responding were: Chris Wright, Michael Del'Orto, Tom Swartz, Gary Tofanelli, Clifford Edison, Russ Thomas and Debbie Ponte.

Thank you.
Albert J. Segalla, President
Calaveras County Taxpayers Association 
Dear Candidate for Board of Supervisors, 

Please answer the below question by Thursday, May 17, 2012, 5 PM, at which time we will forward your comments to the media. Please use less than 300 words. 

The Copper Gazette and the PineTree have promised to print your reply verbatim. In addition, we will share your reply with all media, our members and our list of community leaders.


What is your opinion on the attached proposed county resolution to expose UN Agenda 21?

Thank you for your public service. - Al
Response from Tom Tryon:

"__I am strongly opposed to agenda 21 and to your proposed resolution.  The spirit of agenda 21 is  incorporated in much of state law.  Your resolution would deny the county the ability to apply for planning and department of transportation grants.  The county has applied for a Cal Trans grant for the copper community plan update.  Also to have a legally defensible general plan, the county will need to incorporate some agenda 21 principles in the updated general plan per state  law.  Please, no more questions on agenda 21.  Let us discuss issues over which the county has discretion.  Tom"
Response from Joe Kelley:

"I agree and support the resolution to expose UN Agenda 21.  UN Agenda 21 is not ratified by the United States of America.  I believe UN Agenda 21 is a subversion of the Constitution of the United States of America.  UN Agenda 21 continues to infiltrate all government, the June 9, 2011 Executive Order 13575 reads in part: Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead.  The Executive Order reference "sustainable rural communities," which is a reference to "sustainable development" the nomenclature for the United Nations Agenda 21 program   What is sustainable development in the United Nations Agenda 21 program?  It calls for government to curtail and even eliminate your freedom to travel as you please, own a gas-powered car, live in a suburban or rural areas, determine the number of children you may have, determine the "rates of harvest" of farms and fisheries, eliminate your private property rights through eminent domain, and increase the price on goods and services through artificial shortages and new consumer taxes.  Does that sound familiar?  In Calaveras County, we were given Delphi Technique strategies for the General Plan's land use.  The people were given 3 options with the same outcome, the implementation of UN Agenda 21 strategies of giving up our Constitutional rights.  The latest UN Agenda 21 tentacles issue was the approval of the Toulumne-Stanislaus Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP).  Only Supervisor Spellman voted "NO".  
I recommend reading Undermining Freedom in Calaveras County by Tonja Dausend, published by the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association.
My suggestions to Calaveras County Government: 
Remove UN Agenda 21 strategies from the General Plan & Elements.
Respect liberty, property rights and Constitutional law.
Stop the subversion of the Constitutions (U.S.A. & California)
Elected representatives and government employees respect the "Oath of Office", SUPPORT AND DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION! "

Response from Bryce Randall:

  "The first time I heard anything about U.N. Agenda 21 was while attending a Calaveras County Board of Supervisor's meeting when it was brought to the attention of the Board by the CCTA. Because I had no knowledge of the U.N. agenda, or it's contents, it didn't make any sense to me, but I thought if it was important enough to CCTA to bring it up in a meeting, then I should do some investigating of my own. I began to do some research and then while attending my first Tea Party meeting it was again addressed. I don't think most people know anything about it or that a U.N. resolution has anything to do with us locally. Some people belong to local well meaning groups, without understanding the connection that is there, if only in common, good intentioned goals.
We may not have people from the U.N. running around our county but the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (I.C.L.E.I.) has been as close as next door in Amador County. The wording used by U.N. Agenda 21 and I.C.L.E.I. is also used by groups here in our county.
I would encourage everyone to do their own research and form their own opinion. In my opinion, if the goals of U.N. Agenda 21 are to subvert our personal rights and freedoms through local, regional or global manipulation, in any form, then it needs to be stopped.
I would support the passing of the proposed county resolution. We should not be afraid to take a stand against any intrusion to our rights as American Citizens.
Bryce Randall
Candidate District 2 Supervisor"

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