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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Re-cap CCPAC meeting 5-7-12

The Copperopolis Community Plan Advisory Committee (CCPAC) held on Monday May 7, 2012 was attended by approximately 30 people. The meeting covered the Brown Act and began the boundary discussion.

Vision 2020, 2005 and 2009 Draft community plan boundaries were presented as was a possible boundary submitted by County staff (planning dept).

Each plan increased in size from Vision 2020 at an approximate 30 square miles, the 2005 plan at 40.9 square miles and the 2009 plan at an approximate 52.2 square miles.  The 2012 General Plan Land Use Draft 1 is approximately 25.6 square miles. Planning Director Willis stated that the 2009 plan was "too large" creating inclusions of services and infrastructure that the county just "couldn't provide."

Tentative boundary submitted from the planning department for CCPAC review.

Left outlined in white is Diamond XX.

Boundary outlined in blue:
The west follows the base of Flowers Mountain (behind Saddle Creek), the East runs along O'Byrnes Ferry Road, the South runs along Lake Tulloch and the North runs along Highway 4.

The questions and comments that arose were:

The boundary submitted by the county only includes projects already approved or pending (entitlements in place) what would be the purpose of the plan? Which brought up questions of actual projection time tables. Was the county looking at a 20 to 25 year plan as they stated at the first meeting or were they looking for what Dave Haley felt was the standard plan time frame of 35 years? A clear answer was not given.

Many questioned the purpose of stopping on O'Byrnes Ferry Road and not utilizing the East side of the road for commercial or residential as it was zoned. Steve Marks, the CCPAC Chair stated he thought that at one time a senior housing  with possible medical was slated for that side of the road. CCPAC member Don Rollings expressed concern about traffic purging onto O'Byrnes from possible  commercial or residential areas on the East side of O'Byrnes.

Utilizing the commercial North side of Highway 4 was also brought up as the North side of 4 is not in the current plan. Tryon expressed concern that if both sides of Hwy 4 were commercialized traffic may create an issue where overpasses might need to be considered.

The plan for Reeds Turnpike is commercial use.

Additional housing is planned for the Calaveras side of the O'Byrnes Ferry bridge at the base of Table Top running to the lake. It wasn't clear if the housing was planned for after construction of a new bridge or before.

The meeting closed with a motion for the county to complete two revisions to the boundary map they submitted. One to include the East side of O'Byrnes following the natural topography of the region and another to include the commercial areas of the North side of Highway 4.

The motion was seconded and the county was asked to have that submitted for review by the next meeting.

The next meeting, to be held June 4, 2012 at 6:00 pm at CFPD station #1 will cover flood zones, state critical habitats and begin working on land use.

The Copper Gazette now has a link to the County's CCPAC page in the top right corner under the heading titled Local Links. It is the County site for updated CCPAC info.