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Monday, May 14, 2012

Ponte anwers question posed by CCTA

In a letter to District 4 Supervisor Candidate Debbie Ponte the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association asked Ponte some direct questions.

Dear Debbie,
 Thank you for attending our Copperopolis forum.
  As you know, CCTA does not endorse candidates, but seeks to promote as much public
exposure as we can.  Sometimes, we receive information of a negative nature. We do not spread information based on rumor or speculation and we try to always seek the truth.  Candidates running for public service seem to have an obligation to share all information relating to their ability to serve the public, even though some things tend to be private in nature.

If you would respond to the below questions, we will share your response with our
membership and community leaders.

1. Is your business presently in bankruptcy? If so, please explain.
     No, Foothill Village is not in bankruptcy but our parent company - AF Evans in Oakland did declare bankruptcy several years ago after the (housing) market took a dive.   One of their

companies (AF Evans Development Co) was in the business of building various types of
housing - multi-level housing, affordable housing, etc.   In August, 2010 - the loan company,
GE Capital, sought a court-appointed receiver for Foothill Village to help protect us from the
bankruptcy issues going on with our parent company.  It was one of the better situations we
could be in as it protected Foothill  Village from the pitfalls of bankruptcy at the corporate
At the time of the receivership, the court-appointed receiver stated to staff and residents -
Foothill Village is financially sound and operationally solid.  The only reason FV is in this
position of receivership is to protect assets of the bank, protect the business from bankruptcy
fall out at the corporate level and to maintain the senior housing and services for the seniors
who live at FV and the employees who work at FV. 
    A few weeks ago, the receiver announced to employees, residents and resident family
members that a "possible" sale was in the works and the potential buyer was in a due
diligence period with the bank for a 40 day period of time.   As of now, we are in that due
diligence period.  There was not an announcement of the potential buyer to protect the
confidentiality of the due diligence period.   The court-appointed receiver did say that when a
sale was accepted, additional information would be shared publicly.  

2. Are you presently a defendant in a lawsuit?  If so, please explain. 
   As you may expect - I am not in a position to comment about the details of this case so that
the merits of the case are not jeopardized. 

   What I can share is  that a suit was filed in court in September, 2010 and the court later
moved the case into private arbitration per our written, signed contractual agreement that
the plaintiff had signed years earlier.   This issue is in private arbitration and I have no
timeline as to when it will be completed.  I have denied the allegations and will continue to
defend this position in the arbitration process.
  This is the one and only lawsuit/arbitration that has involved myself and/or Foothill
Village since we opened in November, 2001. I would appreciate your support in keeping this
case confidential and out of the media or in public forums until it is appropriate to comment on
it publicly. 

3. Are you familiar with the proposed county resolution seeking to expose UN Agenda 21? If
so, please share your opinion.  
   I have only become familiar with UN Agenda 21 when it was presented at the CCTA
candidates night in Copperopolis.  I have taken no position on this issue one way or another
as I continue to learn more about it and seek opinions from others.  I would be happy to meet 
with you and/or members of CCTA to hear your viewpoints on this subject. 

   4. If elected supervisor, will you continue your full time management position with the senior
At this point, I intend to continue my position as Executive Director of Foothill Village.   I
strongly believe and know I can perform both duties well and will devote the time and energy
necessary to do so.  I have a complete understanding of both positions and the requirements
it takes to do a great job for the people I serve now and in the future.  I believe my
leadership qualities include integrity, dedication, creativity, fairness, magnanimity,
assertiveness all with a sense of humor.  I will use these same qualities to lead District 4 and
Calaveras County as I have used to lead Foothill Village.