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Monday, May 14, 2012

New Principal Search for Mark Twain AND Copper School

The MTUESD School Board approved the separation of Superintendent and principal at the April 2012 board meeting, MTUESD Superintendent / Copper Principal. 

In January 2011 Tidball took the Superintendent position as well as working as the Copper Elementary principal, understanding that the board would reinstate separate positions at a time when it was “financially feasible” said Tidball. 

Tidball will assume the Superintendent position full time at the end of this fiscal year.

This change as well as the resignation of Mark Twain school principal Karl Keller due to his acceptance of a position at Salida Union School District, left two principal positions vacant at the end of this school year. 

According to Tidball the notice for those positions was posted for 2.5 weeks and received quite a few  applicants both from the outside the school district and “in house.” Interviews have commenced with a 10 member interview committee including classified staff, parents, and teachers. “The second round of interviews will occur tonight.” Said Tidball. She is hoping that the committee will recommend candidates and hopes to announce soon the ones that have been offered and accepted the positions.

When asked if this was a fiscally sound idea, Tidball stated that there were funds that had been set aside for important priority needs that had to be met and those needs have now been met. Tidball stated, “I would not go into a full time position unless we were able to address these other needs first. We have added more teachers for class size reduction, more library personnel and yard duty supervisors. And I’m excited to say we have adopted a new English Language Arts program for next year. We have a projected budget for three years with prioritized steps.” At  a recent board meeting Tidball stated that the Board approved a “cost of living increase of 2.5% across the board for all staff except me.”