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Monday, May 7, 2012

Friends of the Fair Mixer

The Calaveras County Fair and the Friends of the Fair will host the Calaveras County Chamber of Commerce Mixer in May on May 10th.

You are invited to attend the Mixer and a Sneak Preview of what to expect at this year's Fair coming up in just a little more than 2 weeks.  The Mixer will take place at the Ranch House which is located on the lower part of the Fairgrounds in the Agriculture Area and starts at 5:30.
To find the Ranch House, enter the Fairgrounds on Gun Club Road just 2 miles south of downtown Angels Camp on Highway 49. Follow Gun Club road past the main Fairgrounds parking lot
 and past the Little League ball fields and drive straight through the Gate.  The Ranch House will be on the left.
Join us for networking, local wines, delicious appetizers, fun Fair surprises and a tour of the Fairgrounds. You may even get to Jump a Frog and meet the Queen Candidates.
Call the Chamber office for more information, 754-5400