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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Assemblymember Olsen Appointed Chief Republican Whip

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Member Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, today announced that Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway, R-Tulare, appointed her as Chief Republican Whip.

“I am honored to serve as Chief Whip,” said Olsen. “I came to Sacramento to solve problems and work on reforms, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to set priorities and develop innovative solutions to the challenges facing our state.”

Chief Republican Whips help devise strategy and craft legislative solutions, as well as providing direction and guidance to members during Assembly floor sessions. 

Assemblymember Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, represents the 25th Assembly District and is presently the Vice Chair of the Assembly Higher Education Committee.  She also serves on the Assembly Insurance, Agriculture and Joint Sunset Review Committees.  Before her election to the Assembly, she served on the Modesto City Council and worked as Assistant Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs at California State University, Stanislaus.

“In her first term, Kristin Olsen has been a true champion for taxpayers, fighting to make the budget process more open and hold state government accountable to taxpayers,” said Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway, of Tulare.  “As Chief Republican Whip, Kristin will continue to play an integral role as we work together to protect students from trigger cuts and refocus the Legislature’s budget priorities on what matters most – education and public safety.”