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Friday, May 4, 2012

AMA Youth Sports SUmmer Swim Program

AMA Youth Sports Summer Swim Program

Recreational League Information

(7 week summer team)

* $55.00 for 7 week program - includes: pool use fee, lifeguards, insurance, ribbons, and swim cap.
*Swimmer must be able to swim 25 yards across the pool unassisted.
* June 11, 2012 to July 27, 2012
* Practices are M - Th, times to be announced.
* Girls must wear a one piece suit and boys must wear jammers or speedos for practice.
* Optional extra equipment: goggles, swim fins
* Rec league swimmers have the option of continuing on in the competitive team from July through October.
* Please contact the Rec team coordinator: Jessica Johnson 768-9149 or djng2000@yahoo.com
* Registration dates will be May 5th and 12th at the Brett Harte Aquatic Center. 10:00 am - 12:00
Here are the forms you will need:
Registration FormRecreational Swim Hold Harmless Form

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS!!  AMA Sports are run with volunteers, and the swim team is no exception.  We are looking for volunteer certified lifeguards, timers for the meets (easy, easy, easy), ribbon writers (easy as well), people to run a small snack bar at the home meets, announcer at home meets, parking at Ironstone concerts as a fundraiser for our swim program., set up and clean up at the meets,  etc.  With our volunteers, an excellent and affordable program is available to our kids. Contact Jessica Johnson to volunteer.