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Friday, April 6, 2012

State Controller publishes new pay figures for water districts, hospital, health, etc

State Controller John Chiang has updated his website showing the salary, pension benefits and other compensation for Land Reclamation and Levee Maintenance, Health, Hospital, and Water districts in calendar year 2010.
The new posting includes 42,000 positions across 544 districts, with wages totaling $1.94 billion. 
The site was originally created by Controller Chiang in late 2010, after he ordered local governments to provide salary and other wage information for their employees to his office. The Controller has already collected and posted wage information from 2009 and 2010 for more than 600,000 city and county employees. In addition, the site includes wage data for State civil service and California State University employees.

The new posting is the latest in a series of wage updates for all of California’s 2,379 special districts.  Police, fire transit operators and transportation planning districts were added last month.  The remaining districts will be added throughout the Spring of 2012.
For today’s posting, 56 districts did not file in time, or filed incomplete records.
The website covers elected officials as well as public employees.  It includes the following information for each position:
  • Minimum and maximum salary ranges;
  • Actual wages paid;
  • The applicable retirement formula;
  • Any contributions by the employer to the employee’s share of pension costs;
  • Any contributions by the employer to the employee’s deferred compensation plan; and
  • Any employer payments for the employee’s health, vision and dental premium benefits.
A list of agencies that failed to file payroll records with the State can also be found on the Controller's website.  Each non-complying agency could face a penalty of $5,000.  The Controller’s Office will continue to review and post the relevant data from these local governments as it is reported to the State.

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