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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Letter from the Calaveras County Taxpayers Association re:property rights, candidate forums, more

We have several items for your attention and action.
 General Plan Update
 We found massive changes affecting many property owners, however, much of the changes seem to be well thought out with an attempt to protect property rights. CCTA did urge all property owners, not in small subdivisions, to review the existing and new maps and submit their comments by the (passed) April 3rd cut off date.  We did the best we could to notify property owners by mailing 500 Post Cards and posting fifty Signs around the county.  
 Some in the planning department are not happy with our efforts and have complained to inquiring property owners. 
 We recommend, if you have not already done so, to look at how your allowed uses are changed and if you do not agree, contact your Supervisor and the Planning Department even though the comment period has expired. We suggest being polite and respectful even though you may think your property rights are violated. 
 We have maps and more info on our Website thanks to the great work of Tonja Dausend, General Plan Chair. 

 Also, County Planning Director, Rebecca Willis has been helpful in displaying the old and new maps in her lobby. One of the problems she has is following a "keep it rural" mandate while trying to protect property rights. Tuff job.
 Candidate Forums
We are sponsoring a series of candidate forums inviting State Assembly, District Attorney and all Supervisorial Candidates.
The first event, co-sponsored by the Copperopolis Community Center, will be held in Copperopolis at the Historical Armory on Main Street on Monday, April 23, 2012, 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Moderator will be Bruce Tallackson
The next event will be in Valley Springs at the La Contenta Golf Course, on May 3, 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Moderator will be Greg Cadger.
These forums will schedule the Assembly Candidates first, and then District Attorney Candidates and finally all Supervisorial candidates.
There will be time to mix with the attendees. 
Information tables will be provided for campaign materials and light refreshments will be served.
An Additional forum is planned for the Arnold area, on May 14th, cosponsored by the Greater Arnold Business Association and will feature State Assembly and District Attorney candidates only. More info to follow.
For more information, contact CCTA Event Chair, Kiss Anderson, 772-2006.   We need volunteers!

Tax Day Tea Party
The event is set for April 14th, 4-6PM at Turner Park in San Andreas. Guest speakers including the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. More info at CalaverasTeaPartyt.com

FEMA Flood "Insurance"
CCTA will be asking the Supervisors to seek removal of  this activity from Calaveras county due to the widespread violations of property rights and unsoundness of the program. A draft letter was approved by our Board on 4-3-12. Not typed yet.

Hillside Apartment Project 
CCTA did not support this popular project because we believed it hurtful to the taxpayer. For my "Dog Tail Logic" opinion paper click here.

Best regards. Al Segalla

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