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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Copper Senior achieves Eagle Scout

17 year old Frank Kotowski was awarded his Eagle Scout - the highest rank attainable in Boy Scouting - this weekend at a ceremony at Bret Harte High School.

Inspired by his mother Lisa Kotowski and his father Richard Kotowski, Frank embraced scouting and followed a dream to attain Eagle Scout. His Eagle Scout project, which earned him an additional 21 merit badges, was to design, implement and create a painting of the United States map on the kindergarten playground at Mark Twain school. His hopes were that the map "would serve as an instructional tool for faculty and possibly a game map."

 Eagle Scout photo courtesy Richard Kotowski


Helped by Bill Davis - maintenance director at Mark Twain- with the "planning and organization" Frank was able to complete the project.

Mark Twain Principal Karl Keller said that "Frank is a fine young man" further stating how Frank has maintained the map, coating it with lacquer a few times to "maintain its integrity."

Frank, planning to take a few years off from scouting, will be attending college at the University of Nevada at Reno upon graduation from Bret Harte to major in nursing, "I hope to help people for the rest of my life." Saying that eventually he hopes to "retire to a quiet little farm with a little town close by like Copper."

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