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Monday, April 30, 2012

CFPD Special Board Meeting

MEETING  AGENDA                MAY 4,  2012                                                                                      PUBLIC  SESSION   6:00  P M 
Special Meeting

1.  Open Public Meeting
2.  Roll Call of Directors
3.  Approval of Agenda:   This is the time for any Director to ask that an item be considered in a different order than listed below.  New items cannot be added to this agenda for deliberation or action, but may be added to the agenda of a future meeting pursuant to Item # 10 below        ( Identification of Items for Future Meetings).   

4.  Approval of Minutes  N/A                                                                                                           
5 . Public Comments:   Any member of the public may address the Board of Directors at this time on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Board, regardless of whether or not it is on this agenda. Those wishing to address matters on this agenda may hold their comments until that item is taken up, at which time the public will be permitted to address the Board of Directors prior to any action. Comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker. Those speaking on behalf of an organization will be limited to five (5) minutes. This time limit may be extended at the sole discretion of the Chair.
 6.  Closed Session:
            Pursuant to Government Code section 54957: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONTRACT AMENDMENT; Title: Fire Chief
7 .  Return to Open Session
8:  Report of Action(s) taken in Closed Session
9.  Identification of Items for Future Meetings  This is the time for Board Members to identify the items that they wish to be considered at future meetings.  These items will not be discussed at this meeting, but will be included on the agenda for a future meeting so that proper notice can be made to the public.  This is also the time for scheduling board workshops and / or special meetings.  Agenda items may be added by Board Members prior to posting time of the agenda.
9.  Adjournment                                                                                 
Posted April 28, 2012 by Jeff Millar                 

Update 5-4-12 4:00 pm:
The Copper Gazette misprinted the time of this event...it was 1600...military time. Therefore 4:00 pm.            We are sorry for the misprint and regret any confusion this may have caused.