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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Barbara Yook - candidate for Calaveras County DA - bio

Barbara is the current District Attorney for the County of Calaveras.  She is a career prosecutor committed to keeping our communities safe for our families.  Barbara leads a staff of 11 full time and 4 part time employees, including attorneys, peace officers and support staff, in the pursuit of justice for the citizens of Calaveras County. 

With the support of her talented and dedicated staff, Barbara has led the District Attorney’s Office through two of the toughest budget cycles in many years and is currently working on policy issues for the District Attorney’s Office related to “Criminal Justice Realignment”, the biggest change in criminal law and felony sentencing rules in decades.
Born in upstate New York, Barbara moved to California in the late 80’s to attend college.  She graduated from San Francisco State University with a BA in Economics and a BA in Russian.  Barbara then attended the University of California, Hastings College of Law in San Francisco.  During law school, Barbara traveled to Prague to study International Law and was also accepted into the National Association for Public Interest Law’s Rural Legal Corp.  After training her in Washington D.C., the Rural Legal Corp. sent Barbara to help victims of domestic violence in rural Ohio.  Through Hastings’ legal clinic program, Barbara completed an internship with the San Francisco Public Defender’s Office. While at Hastings, she was the Managing Editor of the Hastings Women’s Law Journal and Class Representative of the Asian/Pacific American Law Students Association. 

Barbara was sworn in as a member of the State Bar of California in December of 1996 and she became a Deputy District Attorney for the Calaveras County District Attorney’s Office in October of 1997.  Like most new prosecutors, she was initially assigned a misdemeanor case load.  As her experience and knowledge grew, Barbara took on felonies and was specially assigned to the Calaveras Narcotics Enforcement Unit.  As a felony prosecutor, she was responsible for all types of felony cases, including cases involving homicide, assault with deadly weapon, stolen property and narcotics.  In 2003, then District Attorney Jeff Tuttle elevated Barbara to the Assistant District Attorney position.  As Assistant District Attorney, Barbara worked closely with DA Tuttle in the day to day operations of the District Attorney’s Office while she handled sex crimes, crimes against children, and hearings to keep murderers from being released on parole. 

When DA Tuttle died unexpectedly in April of 2010, Barbara became the Acting District Attorney.  On September 7, 2010, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors unanimously appointed her to represent the People of the County of Calaveras as District Attorney.

Barbara has lived in Calaveras County for the last 14 years.  She and her husband are the very proud parents of a daughter who attends elementary school locally.

California District Attorney’s Association
Calaveras Sexual Assault Response Team
Fight Crime/Invest in Kids
Calaveras Child Care Council
California Narcotics Officer Association
California State Bar Association
Calaveras County Bar Association

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