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Friday, February 3, 2012

Senator Gaines comments on President's State of the Union address

Many of you may have recently watched Governor Jerry Brown deliver his annual 2012 State of the State address to a joint session of the Legislature and the people of California.

I believe California’s future can be bright and full of promise if the government provides the foundation for its prosperity and is not a barrier to its success. Lower taxes, smarter regulations and a government that lives within its means – that is the path to a vibrant and prosperous California. Unfortunately, Governor Brown is headed down the wrong path.

During his State of the State address, Governor Brown focused on his proposed budget, increasing government spending by 7 percent and calling on voters to approve $35 billion in new taxes to fund government programs or run the risk of more cuts to essential services like education and public safety.
Those taxes are unnecessary and although tax rates went down last year, revenue increased by $8.4 billion and is expected to increase by $4.5 billion next year. To truly get the state’s fiscal house in order we need to enact deeper reforms, eliminate nonessential projects like high speed rail, and instead, put those tax dollars towards our schools, public safety, or more effective infrastructure projects.
I will do all I can to help guide our state down the path towards a better California. I will continue working tirelessly with the Governor and my colleagues to find a bi–partisan solution that does not rely on tax increases, includes job–creating incentives, calls for regulatory reform and will not further the burden on hard–working California families.

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