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Friday, December 2, 2011

Letter from Lungren - re:Jobs and Christmas

1919 was the first recorded year of displaying a Christmas tree at the Capitol, a tradition which later was firmly established with the beginning of an annual tree-lighting ceremony in 1964.  Since that time, California has provided the “People’s Tree” four times – including this year.
We are especially proud to announce that this year’s tree came from Stanislaus National Forest.  My office has been working with the U.S. Forest Service and Congressman Jeff Denham’s office since December of last year to bring all the details together for the tree-lighting ceremony next Tuesday.  I am excited to see all the hard work of the Forest Service and my staff come to fruition.

The tree arrived with much excitement early this week and will be decorated with ornaments made by California residents.  The ornaments reflect this year’s theme of “California Shines.”  Although California, more than many other states, has seen very difficult times over the past few years, I believe that our state continues to shine with many bright days ahead.  To ensure a brighter future, my colleagues in the House and I have voted on and passed more than 20 pieces of legislation that focus on the creation of new jobs.  This week the most recent jobs bill, the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act (H.R. 3094), passed the House by 235-188.  With so many people looking for work, it is important that we take the necessary steps to put certainty back in the economy and encourage businesses to start hiring.
For the better part of a year, I have been fighting for and supporting legislation that will help put Americans and Californians back to work.  These continue to be tough economic times and there are very tough fiscal policy decisions that must be made to realize a prosperous future.  I believe California is still the Land of Sunshine and Opportunity with the potential of once again being one of the nation’s most vibrant economies. 
The Capitol Christmas tree from our state is something to be proud of and will bring joy to all who visit the nation’s Capitol.  It is my hope that during this Christmas season, we will all focus on the blessings that surround us and know, with quiet confidence that better times lay ahead. 
Please visit http://www.capitolchristmastree2011.org/ to see some of the ornaments and learn more about this tradition that brings trees from all over the nation to the Capitol each year.
Daniel E. Lungren
Member of Congress

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