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Monday, October 3, 2011

A thank you from the Copperopolis Veterans Group

The Copperopolis Veterans Group (forming a VFW Post) would like to thank the following community groups and businesses for helping to make their first Community Picnic a success:
Music was provided by keyboardist and vocalist Greg  Brown  accompanied by Dennis Hansen on guitar. Greg played music that brought one back to a time when lyrics told stories and people enjoyed the simple things in life. While children jumped in gunny sack races and parents enjoyed the WWII jeep display, Greg serenaded. Greg has CD’s available. If you would like to purchase a copy contact the Sports Pub at 785-4646 to arrange for purchase.
The Copperopolis Lions Club donated a large portion of the sodas, helping energize the children for yet more fun country picnic games and Payless IGA donated cases of bottled water to cool down the mouth after eating the hot chili.

Antique fire engines for children to climb in and structure gear for kids to try on were provided by Brian Nolan, aka Nolan Fire Department. CFPD firefighter Satcey Nolan was on hand to hand out helmets, pens, pencils, and fire prevention information. Belva Bristol and McDillards feed supplied the gunny sacks for the gunny scak and three-legged races.
Ice was donated by the CFPD and the Sports Pub.  And last, but not least, all the yummy ice cream was donated by Umpqua Bank.

An added thank you to Supervisor Darren Spellman for attending and showing his support and to previous Supervisor Russ Thomas, though with a previous commitment for the afternoon, stopped by during set-up to wish us well and to the anonymous donor that supported our efforts by covering our insurance costs for the event.
Again, a great thank you to all that donated and to all that came out to enjoy the fun.
If you are interested in more information about the Copperopolis veterans please contact Commander Al Gilbert at coppervfw@gmail.com

Commander, Al Gilbert

A very important 'thank you' was not mentioned, that of the use of the CCLTOA park for the event. We could not have had such a wonderful event without the use of the Black creek park, thank you CCLTOA.

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