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Monday, September 26, 2011

Lungren delivers speech supporting Israel

On September 23, 2011, Congressman Dan Lungren (R-Gold River-CA) gave a speech on the House floor in support of Israel. Below is a transcript of that speech:"Madam speaker, several years ago my wife and I - accompanied by a number of other members and their spouses - were privileged to be in the state of Israel at the time the Israeli government made a very difficult decision to turn over the Gaza to the Palestinian Authority.

"It was a very controversial decision, the question was, would this gesture of goodwill be reciprocated by the other side? And unfortunately of course it was not.

"And as in other gestures by the Israeli government, the response has been, 'give us more and we will not commit to the existence of Israel but you have to commit to the existence of a Palestinian state.'

"Let there be no mistake, it is a bipartisan support on the floor of the House for the state of Israel at this time of great need for them when they face all sorts of problems in the United Nations and

"Let us be clear, we will not be divided on this, republicans, democrats, conservatives and liberals here in the House of Representatives and the United States Senate - support Israel in their effort to remain free and to not be forced into positions that are totally unfair."

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