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Friday, September 23, 2011

4H raising funds for one of their own

Recently, the Copper Hills 4H lost a very special member, 14 year-old Jordan Kovacs and her amazingly gifted and involved grandfather Richard Kovacs.
Jordan had found her passion with horses through 4H. Through 4H and with her proud grandfather Richard by her side every step of the way Jordan learned about horsemanship, care, grooming, tack, competition and so much more.
Last weekend, Jordan and her Grandfather were at a horse show in Clements to learn, observe, and just be together doing what they loved most...being around horses. During the evening, while they slept, they were overcome with carbon monoxide fumes and perished.
Mourning the loss of such a young life and the life of a man so committed to his grand daughter is unfathomable. Hoping to help in a small way, this weekend at the Town Square concert, the monies collected for parking by the Copper Hills 4H group will be donated to the Kovacs Family Memorial Fund...for their friend Jordan and her best friend, her grandfather Richard, who she loving called, 'Papa.'

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