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Monday, August 15, 2011

Umpqua Bank - Community Picnic to Raise Awareness for Copper Parks & Rec, a Hit

Partnering with the Copper Parks and Recs, Umpqua Bank hosted a community picnic Friday August 12, 2011, serving hotdogs, chips and homemade carrot cake to folks that wanted to learn more about their Parks and Recs.

Bruce Reid, spokesman for Copper Parks and Recs, was on hand to answer questions and highlight the various community activities that P&R has been involved with over the last few years.

Copper Parks and Recs mission statement is:
Our mission is to promote preservation of open space and provide parks, recreation and program opportunities for the health, fitness, and enjoyment of the residents of Copperopolis.

Adhering to their mission statement has provided the community with countless hours of recreation for children and adults alike, fresh vegetables from the community garden for anyone that needs/wants fresh vegetables, and has created a pride in community for many folks.

Along with the aforementioned, Copper Parks and Rec organizes and and coordinates the annual Earth Day Copper Clean Up, gathering individuals and groups together to help clean up Copper's many roadways and waterways. Recently they have added a Flea market to their semi-annual calendar of events, allowing folks to rent a booth to sell their wares, whereby everyone comes out a winner.

As with most non-profit agencies, Copper Parks & Rec is always looking for volunteers and new ideas. If you would like more information about Copper Parks & Rec or would like to volunteer please email them at copperparks@yahoo.com or call 785- PARK (7275).

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