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Monday, August 8, 2011

Supervisor Spellman Responds to Recall Statements

In a telephone interview late last week, Valley Springs resident Michael McDaniel, front runner of Spellman recall effort launched July 27, 2011, stated, "We will be recalling Darren Spellman. We hope to be serving him next week." McDaniel further stated that the issue is a community issue and that there may be 4 to 5 people interested in the position.

When McDaniel was questioned if Copperopolis residents were legally permitted to participate in a recall effort when the community is soon to be in District 4, he responded that this issue was taken "all the way to the state" for clarification on who can and who cannot participate in a recall. His answer was that Copperopolis had voted Spellman in, with the help of other residents, and therefore Copperopolis had the right to vote him out, regardless of what District he may be placed in, stressing that Copperopolis would play an integral part in the recall effort.

As a 2006 District 5 Supervisor hopeful, losing to Russ Thomas, McDaniels may have an interest in the vacated seat if Spellman is indeed recalled.

Supervisor Spellman was asked by the Copper Gazette to respond to the recent statements made to the Copper Gazette by Michael McDaniel.

The following is a letter from Spellman responding to the statements:

1. There are always people interested in the idea of running for public office. McDaniel himself ran in 2006 and was an active Thomas campaigner in 2010, so I haven't heard one person say they believe his efforts are not personal in nature especially since he is touting himself as a replacement.

2. I was elected to represent the people not special interest groups. I have kept my promise even though special interest groups have threatened me, "you'll learn how to play the political game, everyone does if they want to stay in office."
I told them I would never become a politician and I have remained a representative if the people.

3. Case in point; Copper Library.
People were spreading rumors when I took office that I wanted to shut it down  when nothing could be further from the truth. I was only conveying statistical data that indicated the likelihood based purely on an economic outlook. Thanks to the wonderful people that volunteer at the Copper Friends of the Library we were able to come up with a solution that will not only keep the library open, but allow it to stay in its current location which was of great importance to those who know were the library is best located to serve the greatest number if people. As promised, I listened to the community and together we came up with a solution. (I would like to give credit to Janey, who came every week to Snaps for 6 months until we figured out a solution. Her dedication kept the issue at the forefront of my thoughts.)

4. Think of all the things that with teamwork we have been able to accomplish in 7 months. Through weekly meetings, a spring town hall, returning calls and emails and actually bringing the Public Works Director with me to an open meeting at Poker Flat we have got the bridge repaired, main street paved, Reeds Turnpike getting not just  resurface but redone from the ground up, Copper Cove guard rail that should be in shortly and left turn at Poker that has been approved and is going out to bid and an effort public and private to build bus shelters for school children (we've already received design work and road easement permission from the county and volunteers for labor, just need to fund raise money for materials).

5. I don't care about being popular with the politically feeble minded insiders group of this county. My duty is to serve the people and that is what I do.
This very morning I went to a pancake breakfast for county leaders in our region put on by Senator Ted Gaines in Sutter Creek to advocate for our needs in Calaveras County.
There were supervisors, Sheriffs and other county officials from El Dorado, Placer, Amador, Alpine and Calaveras counties.
I was the ONLY supervisor from Calaveras County.
Who really represents the people?
I believe elected officials should be judged by what they do not what they say.
I have lived up to my promises and will continue to do so.

6. The right to conduct a recall is a measure available by law to remove people from public office that have done illegal or highly immoral acts, but I have done nothing illegal or immoral and I have kept my word to work for the people full time, so I'm not sure what basis Mr. McDaniels has for a recall other than a cheap attempt at becoming the supervisor for district 5 in an indirect way since he did not win his election in 2006, and also was on the losing side with the Thomas campaign last November.
All arrows point to the "personal vendetta" category.

7. I would like to thank all those in our community that continue to support and work towards bettering our circumstances and hope that any attempt at a recall will be short lived so that my focus can continue to be on the needs of the people instead of responding to personal vendettas by would be supervisors.


Darren Spellman

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