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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Over 25 Copper Kids Helped Out with Free School Supplies

Thanks to 16 year-old Solisha Andico and her little sister 11 year-old Shileen more than 25 children will be attending school with new backpacks and plenty of school supplies.

Two months ago the sisters decided to give back to the community, most especially the children of the community, by organizing a backpack and school supply drive. They contacted local businesses asking them if they could either donate or place a collection box at their place of business. This proved to be a successful plan.

Collecting approximately 25 backpacks, boxes and boxes of crayons, pens, pencils, erasers, glue sticks and paper, along with notebooks and other supplies, the girls were more than ready by the collection date of August 9, 2011 to organzie their 'free school supply giveaway' day scheduled for August 13, 2011 infront of the Copper library.

To their surprise, when they showed up at the appointed time, 11:00 am, there were already people waiting. "One woman said she had been here since 9:00" said Solisha in amazement "she really wanted to make sure her children were all set for school." By 11:15 the table that had been covered in supplies had dwindled to paper, notebooks, pens and pencils. Though the girls were not unhappy at all, knowing they helped a lot of children.

"Next year we will definately start the 'supply drive' a little earlier, may even collect recycled (in good condition) backpacks" said Solisha.

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