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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letter from Al Segala, Calaveras County Taxpayers Association- Re: McClintock Town Hall

Tom McClintock Town Hall meeting last Thursday.  Several CCTA members attended the meeting in Sutter Creek. I had a chance to talk to Tom and he is interested in addressing our group at our public luncheon in October.  There was a question from the audience about UN Agenda 21. He was not familiar with it and it's danger to our constitutional rights. He is going to check out the Freedom Advocates website and get more information.  He talked about the historical progression of societal change as it relates to the Tea Party movement: At first the proponents are ignored by the opinion leaders, then, if the proponents are not discouraged, they are then ridiculed. If the proponents are still not discouraged, then they are attacked as enemy's of the people.  If his still does not stop them, then the ideas are adopted as a self evident truth. We are at the second to last stage and that is very good news!

Also, expressing interest in addressing our group is Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen. She tried to make it to our BBQ, but her schedule was just too tight. Maybe we could have both?
Also, our new Planning Director, Rebecca Willis, would like to hear our concerns about the General Plan and would give us an update on what is happening with her department. She is very personable and attractive. This may encourage more wives to attend that luncheon.  Perhaps we could feature her at the following public meeting of CCTA? That would allow her more time to get up to speed. As an alternative, we could invite her to our next Board of Directors meeting and we could help her get up to speed. I will check with the Board.
We just uploaded Senator Ted Gaines's petition to repeal the new fire tax to our website.
We are forming a group for out reach to the schools for Constitution Week.  Any help you could provide would be most welcome.
A big welcome to new members: Bob Diebold, Bob Law, Trish Ford and William Rodrigues.
We would like to promote a taxpayer friendly business in each town to display our brochures, application envelopes and petitions to sign on taxpayer issues. If you know of a likely location, please let us know. We will advertise their location for people to go to for signing petitions etc.

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