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Monday, August 15, 2011

Its Official - BOS Begins meeting Half Time - For Full Pay

Regular meetings for the Board of Supervisors will now be held the 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. begining August 2011.

According to CAO (County Adminstrative Office) Jeanne Boyce, the lessening of meeting dates will not have an affect on pay. Supervisor Tryon has also stated that the hours with which the BOS meets in public is a seperate issue from compensation, stating at the 8-9-11 BOS meeting that "compensation is yearly, not per meeting."


1 comment:

  1. I completely disagree with Supervisor Tyron's stand on this issue. Give a good solid reason for reducing the number of monthly meetings if not to cut expenses. As I informed Supervisor Tyron, School Districts reducing the length of the school year are also adjusting the teachers' salaries. I believe the Public deserves further clarification of yearly pay va reducing the number of monthly meetings. Carl Lutz, Bar XX
