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Monday, August 22, 2011

CDCR Launches Realignment Website

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) today announced it has launched a website dedicated to providing information and updates to the public, local officials, and CDCR employees about the 2011 Public Safety Realignment Legislation, Assembly Bill (AB) 109 and AB 117.

CDCR’s Realignment website is designed to provide the public with easy access to information and news regarding the new law and implementation status statewide.  

Implementation of the 2011 Realignment will begin October 1, 2011. As of that date all individuals sentenced to non-serious, non-violent or non-sex offenses will serve their sentences in county jails instead of state prison. No inmates currently in state prison will be transferred to county jails or released early.

Information available on the website includes key provisions of the 2011 Realignment such as funding, the local planning process, post-release community supervision, parole revocations, and related legislation affecting California’s prison population.

In an effort to provide support to CDCR staff, the website also will include information about related staff reductions, including support services for affected staff, detailed information about the progress of layoffs and frequently asked questions. 

CDCR has also developed a website on news and information regarding the Three-Judge Court’s order to reduce inmate population over the next two years. The site has court filings and reports on population projections related to the court’s ongoing population benchmarks.

To find CDCR’s Realignment page, visit the department’s web site at  www.cdcr.ca.gov.

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