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Thursday, August 11, 2011

BOS To Cut Meetings - Not Pay - Spellman Opposed

At the August 9, 2011 Board of Supervisors meeting George Fry, from Angels Camp, requested that Consent Agenda Item - 3. #ORDINANCE amending Calaveras County Code Section 2.04.01 0, Board of Supervisors Meetings; Administration - Board action: - be pulled. 

According to Jeanne Boyce, County Adminstrative Officer, the proposed adoption of this ordinance would change the Board meetings from four meetings per month to two meetings per month. "It was introduced on the July 26, 2011 meeting and this is the next adoption of the ordinance which will go into effect thirty days from now."

Mr. Fry asked if this ordinance would have any affect on the wages or the benefits of the Board members.

Jeanie Boyce replied, "No, it does not."

Mr Fry questioned if he was to discuss this issue further during this stage or in public comment. Wilensky attempted to open the discussion, Tryon was not willing to entertain the discussion of compensation stating that the Board members "are not compensated per meeting, they are compensated per year."

Questioned by one more citizen concerned that Board members would be working half the time for the same pay, Tryon again stated this ordinance was pertaining to meeting dates only, not compensation.

Spellman stated he will not be voting in favor of the ordinance, questioning how the savings of the stated  $36,112 will take place. Saying that all the personnel present would still receive their pay, regardless of the reduction of meeting days. "The only costs savings seen in my own estimation could only be the camera man. I have asked for quantifiable data supporting this savings and have seen none. I know my consituents are opposed to this ordinance." He further stated that it is the First ammnedment right of the citizenry to be able to come before their elected officials and have their voices heard. "Seeing all these fine gentlemen sitting in the audience that have served to protect our first ammendment rights, I think its shameful, and I am voting no."

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