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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

One World, Many Stories Craft Hour at Copper Library

Travels to Spain, Russia, Iceland, and more are on the list for the Copperopolis Library 'One world, many stories' by-monthly craft hour.
At the very first craft class the children that attended were asked to spin the globe and pick 7 locations anywhere in the world that they would like to learn more about. As it turned out, that was the easiest part of their adventure, at least for the volunteers.
OnThursday June 30, 2011, craft instructors/volunteers Carla Lucas and Aurora Qualls, armed with folk tales and stories from Russia read to the children prior to creating a 'Russian' themed collage, drawn by all the children. At the last craft club the children learned about Spain and were read a story titled 'Stories my Grandma Told Me' telling tales from long ago. The children then recreated the colorful and exotic birds that they were told about in the story.

Aurora, mother of three ages 13, 10 and 8, excitedly told of the art program and how children are learning about other cultures, their heritage, and their way of life through stories and art. Each class starts with a story read to the children either from an author of the area of study or a book of folktales from the area. Either way, the children are imersed in the culture and recreate what they have learned though art.
Any age can attend, the class is free and fun.
For future class times and dates please call 785-0920.

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