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Monday, July 18, 2011

Obama "Newsmaker of the Day" on KVML

President Obama was Monday's KVML "Newsmaker of the Day". Here are his words:
"Today, there's a debate going on in Washington over the best way to get America's fiscal house in order and get our economy on a stronger footing going forward.
For a decade, America has been spending more money than we've taken in. For several decades, our debt has been rising. And let's be honest - neither party in this town is blameless. Both have talked this problem to death without doing enough about it. That's what drives people nuts about Washington. Too often, it's a place more concerned with playing politics and serving special interests than resolving real problems or focusing on what you're facing in your own lives.
But right now, we have a responsibility - and an opportunity - to reduce our deficit as much as possible and solve this problem in a real and comprehensive way.

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