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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Emergency Medical Services Oversight Committee Vacancies

P U B L I C N O T I C E NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN that, due to unscheduled vacancies and expiration of terms, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors encourages interested and qualified persons to apply for membership to the following County Committees: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE(EMSOC) DISTRICT 1 -- One vacancy for an unexpired term to 6/30/12
DISTRICT 1 -- One vacancy for an alternate for an unexpired term to 6/30/12
DISTRICT III -- One vacancy for an alternate for an unexpired term to 6/30/13
DISTRICT V -- One vacancy for an alternate for a term to 6/30/13

Members serve in an advisory capacity to the local EMS Agency and the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors on Emergency Medical Services issues. General interest in ensuring that the interests of the County, its political subdivisions and citizens are considered, related to the planning and provision of emergency medical services within the County. Meetings are held at least quarterly. Legal authority Resolution 04-07 adopted 1/26/04.
EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE One vacancy for a member for a term to June 30, 2014
One vacancy for an alternate member for an unexpired term to June 30, 2013
The committee shall be composed of no more than three regular members and one alternate member from each of the member counties included in the Joint Powers agreement. These members shall be appointed by the Boards of Supervisors of each of the involved counties. One of the appointees from each county should be knowledgeable on medical issues, one should be knowledgeable on administrative issues, and one should be knowledgeable on EMS system issues in order to provide professional expertise to each of the committee's three standing sub-committees. The alternate member may serve on any sub-committee where the regular member is not present.
____/s/ Madaline Krska ________
County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk to the
Board or Supervisors of the County of
Calaveras, California

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