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Monday, July 18, 2011

Board of Supervisors Ready themselves for ABX1 29

At the July 12, 2011 Board of Supervisors meeting, Jeanne Boyce, CAO (County Administration Office), stated that the Governor had  signed the ABX1 29, with instructions that Department of Finance and CAL FIRE work with Legislature to identify any necessary clean up language.
The draft is to be completed by September 11, 2011.
CAL FIRE has been assigned the duty of creating a list of names of those living in SRA areas to be assessed fees.
The State Responsibility Area (SRA) within Calaveras County is 623, 621 acres. That is equal to 94.20% of the county. The town of San Andreas and the City of Angels Camp fall within the category of Local Responsibility Areas (LRA).
The Board of Equalization will collect the fees for the 2011/2012 fiscal year.
Wilensky questioned if districts could opt-out based on pre-existing assessed parcel fees. Boyce said that she felt the “clean up legislation” of the language for the draft may include implementation issues and answers to those questions.
“We will hear more about this.” Said Boyce. “We have not heard the last of this.”
For more information on the bill click HERE.

Update 7-18-11 10:31 am: According to a representative from the Board of Equalization "Cal-FIRE is supposed to develop its regulations for AB 29X by Sept 1. No collections will take place until Cal-Fire provides BOE the necessary info."

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