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Monday, June 27, 2011

United States Department of Veterans Affairs - June 27, PTSD Awareness Day

June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day and for the entire month of June, the VA's National Center for PTSD is working to increase PTSD awareness.

Together Increasing Awareness

The more we know about dealing with trauma and PTSD, the more we can help others. Many organizations provide assistance and conduct investigations to help us understand trauma and its aftermath. Together these groups are helping increase PTSD awareness this June.
Other resources on how we can collectively handle trauma:

Help us increase PTSD awareness

For the month of June, we need everyone's help to increase PTSD awareness. Here are some ways you can help us reach that goal:
Please come back and visit this site throughout June to learn more about trauma and PTSD. Special postings will be made each week.

From Week 1

Professionals can help by keeping up to date on the latest PTSD treatments and research. Learn new ways to help your clients, coworkers and customers.

From Week 2

Everyone can Help. The more we know about dealing with trauma and PTSD, the more we can help others, loved ones, or even ourselves.

From Week 3

Family, friends, and others
Share your stories and successes on Facebook. Others can learn from your experiences. The more we know about dealing with trauma and PTSD, the more we can help others, loved ones, or even ourselves.

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