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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Board of Supervisors Discuss CalFire Dispatch

At the 5-24-11 Board of Supervisors meeting, Shirley Ryan, from Administration, explained the contract with CalFire for dispatch services and the need for the amendment to cover costs associated with services provided during FY 2009/10 which exceeded the contract amount
in 2010/11 when the contract lapsed. The contract for FY 2011/12 through 2013/14 is also to be considered with an amount not to exceed $767,781.
There was discussion regarding the costs exceeding the contract, the change in administration at CalFire that resulted in the lapse of the current year's contract, the staffing level required to perform the dispatch services and the possibility of incorporating technology in the new Sheriff's Administration Building for future dispatch ability. Supervisor Spellman did
not believe that the County should be responsible for paying any additional costs from the past contract and gave his opinion that CalFire is obligated to respond to emergency calls with or without a contract. It was pointed out that the contract is only for dispatch services and that these services dispatch all of the fire districts, not just CalFire. Steve Hollett, CalFire Division Chief, commented that CalFire continued to provide services because it was the right thing to do in order to protect the residents of the County.
Counsel Jim Jones added that a moral obligation does not provide the basis for a legal obligation. The consensus of the public members that spoke was that the money should be paid. Supervisor Spellman adamantly disagreed that the retroactive payment should be made. A motion was made to vote on the two resolutions separately.

Meeting minutes from 5-24-11
Due to "lag time" news based on minutes is not timely.

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