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Monday, May 2, 2011

Veteran Spaghetti Feed an Evening Honoring Vets

Approximately 180 veterans and veteran supporters came to enjoy the food, the fellowship, and the presentations at the Veteran Spaghetti Dinner Saturday April 30, 2011 at the Copperopolis Armory. Entering the Armory was a treat in itself as Bill and Roberto, two jeep aficionados, had their Willy’s military jeeps on display, answering questions and giving demonstrations of the firing of the mounted gun. (Not live artillery, thankfully.)
The dinner, hosted by the Action Committee to form a Copperopolis VFW and sponsored by the Copperopolis Community Center was an event specifically designed for veterans in hopes of giving them information about their benefits and how to access them as well as hoping to recruit a few more veterans of foreign war for the forming of a Copperopolis VFW.
Armed with fliers, booklets and business cards, Chele Beretz from the Calaveras County Veteran’s Affairs Office gave a wonderful presentation regarding veteran benefits and how to access those benefits, stating that she would make in-home visits if a veteran could not physically make it to the County Office.
Bret Harte Senior, Carson Ellington, presented a check for $1,500 to the action committee to form a Copperopolis VFW, explaining eloquently his desire to honor all veterans, in the name of his friend and fallen Marine LCPL Gavin Brummund. The sum donated were proceeds that Carson had raised hosting a Gavin Brummund Memorial Golf tournament earlier that month.
Following Carson were two presenters from the Sonora Veteran’s Clinic. Valerie Gabriel, the outreach coordinator gave a brief talk on the upcoming visit of the Veteran medical van and an outline of the various programs offered at the clinic. (More information will forthcoming about the veteran medical van as soon as location, date, and time are set.) Dr. Emily Lawrence discussed the various services offered at the new VA Clinic in Sonora and welcomed all vets to please get in touch with her as she was eager to guide them in the right direction based on their needs.
Ric Ryan, aka ‘the walking man of Murphys’ was presented with a challenge coin from Timothy Miller, Chief Surgeon at Operation Mend, via representative Charity Maness, who also read a letter penned by Dr. Miller thanking Ric for all his efforts towards raising funds and awareness for Operation Mend. Ric addressed the crowd telling of his goals and thanking all that have helped him along his journey.
Oldest veteran of foreign war Mel Ogg 88 (WWII) and youngest veteran of foreign war Chris Maness 22 (Afghanistan) were recognized. As was Sean Ryan, active military present, US Coast Guard. John Minerva, 26  was a close runner up for youngest vet.
Finally a representative from Vietnam Veterans 391 Sonora approached the mic and shared the good news that because the weather was so foul during the Traveling Wall visit, the keepers of the traveling wall will gladly come back next year for the cost of food and housing for the duration of the walls visit. He went on to explain that the traveling wall is a tribute to all veterans that have fought and died in our wars and conflicts, from WWI to Afghanistan. (LCPL Brummund’s name is engraved on a brass dog tag on the Iraq/Afghanistan tribute wall.)
A thank you went out to all that supported the efforts and helped make the dinner a success: Copperopolis Community Center, Payles IGA, Shell, McCartys, Azzo’s, Lake Tulloch Quilters, and all the veteran’s of the Copper VFW formation group for cooking all the wonderful food. And finally Micki & Larry Phillips were thanked for their continued support, allowing the formation group to meet monthly at their place of business.
The next VFW formation meeting will be held May 15, 2011 at the Copper Cove 8A Meeting Hall located on Feather Drive just off of Copper Cove Drive. For more information on how you can become a member or just wish to attend a meeting, please call Al Gilbert at 785-4218 or Michael McDaniel at 981-7200.


Great food

Roberto's jeep (pictured Chris and Avonlea Maness)

By, Charity Maness
Photos by Kyran Enzi

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